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Information about Waiting List Management

Waiting list calls: what criteria?

Patients are called from the Waiting List as follows criteria:
• date of entry in Waiting List (chronological order of entry);
• priority class (is assigned at the time of inclusion in the Waiting List and indicates the time frame within which the patient must be admitted):

CLASS A - Admission within 30 days
CLASS B - Hospitalization within 60 days 
CLASS C - Hospitalization within 180 days
CLASS D - Hospitalization that does not require the definition of a maximum wait: within 12 months

Information on Waiting List Management

Take-over list or waiting list, what difference?
Management List: it is the list that includes patients who have had surgical indications but need diagnostic insights, or that the specialist does not consider the patients ready for surgery because they need a period of further evaluation-preparation. In this case the patient is not yet on the Waiting List.

That list remains at the disposal of the doctor, who can change the patient’s condition if, after the delivery of the required diagnostic tests, he considers that the patient is ready for surgery, or if the patient send him a medical certificate attesting the aggravation of the patient’s clinical condition.

Waiting list: this is the list where patients have had surgical indications and are ready for the surgery.

Are you unable to be admitted? You can let us know

A patient waiting to be called can communicate a period of impossibility to be hospitalized for personal or health reasons. During this period you do not lose the priority you have acquired. To reactivate your position, you must communicate the new availability to the hospitalization.

Cancellation Criteria for Waiting List

The cancellation from the waiting list can happen for unavailability, for repeated refusal or cancellation, for renunciation of admission:
• Unavailability. If the patient does not answer two calls (made in two days and at different times) to the telephone contacts released during the insertion in the Waiting List, the Institute will proceed to sending written communication. To be placed on the Waiting List again, the patient must start a new process to request the admission in the waiting list.
• Repeated refusal or cancellation. The patient can refuse or cancel the date of admission for personal or health reasons both, at the time of the convocation and during the period between the convocation and the date of admission. In the event that the patient refuses two proposals for admission for reasons unrelated to his state of health, his name falls from the waiting list.
• Renounce hospitalization. At any time, by a free choice, the patient has the right to renounce admission. In case of withdrawal, the patient must notify the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute by calling the toll-free number 800 298 009 or by sending an e-mail to (attach ID card).
The above criteria are provided for by DGR 272/2017 on "Reduction of waiting lists for scheduled surgical admissions in the Emilia-Romagna Region".