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The Rizzoli receive EUR 2.3 million for 6 targeted research projects

That result will enable The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute researches to develop studies that can be transferred to the medical practice

November 15th, 2022

Innovation and 3D prints that can be useful to medical implants customized, meniscus transplant studies, spinal fusion surgery, shoulder rotator cuff reconstruction, treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

The research project that The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute has received from the Ministry of Health are 6. In the next 3 years will be funded EUR 2.3 million overall.

That Result will enable The Rizzoli researches to develop studies that can be transferred to the medical practice. The aim of the research activities, in fact, is the implementation - in a short term – their results to the clinic field.
The targeted research is funded by the Ministry of Health through competitive tenders. The objective is to respond to the health concrete needs of citizens.

Da sinistra Alberto Leardini, Luca Andriolo, Tiziana Fischetti, la direttrice scientifica del Rizzoli Milena Fini, Alessandro Di Martino, Francesca Salamanna e Matilde Tschon
From left to right: Alberto Leardini, Luca Andriolo, Tiziana Fischetti, Milena Fini (The Rizzoli Scientific Director), Alessandro Di Martino, Francesca Salamanna e Matilde Tschon.

In addition to this 6 project where is the lead, The Rizzoli collaborates with the Romagna Cancer Institute (IRST) in Meldola.
Many projects are focusing to the innovations that the research can lead in the operating room: Francesca Salamanna and Matilde Tschon - Surgical Science and Technologies develop cellular therapies that permit to reduce the pain and to accelerate the recovery of spine and shoulder disease, in particular the rotator cuff.

The focus of the two projects carried out by 2nd Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Clinic is the knee: Alessandro Di Martino examines the biological and biomechanical change after the meniscus transplant in patient with osteoarthritis, Luca Andriolo, instead, will compare the effectiveness of different concentrates containing mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

The 3D print project is carried out by Alberto Leardini engineer and Director of the Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Functional Evaluation of Prosthesis. The goal of the project is improve the clinical results through safety analysis, effectiveness and cost benefit about “customized” plants.

Still regarding 3D printing, the engineer Tiziana Fischetti, researcher at Biomedical Science and Technologies and Nanobiotechnology Lab, won a starting grant project, funding reserved for young researchers under 33. The purpose of her project is the development of a bone implant customized for each patient and combined with nanostructured coatings capable of releasing antibacterial agents, thus promoting bone tissue regeneration and preventing the onset of infections in bone fractures.

These projects represents our steady commitment regarding reaserch field that respond to the patient’s needs – says Milena Fini, The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute Scientific Director. The Ministry of Health fund permit us to enhance the integration of research, innovations and care, always putting the patient at the centre. The number of selected and funded projects demonstrates an important recognition to The Rizzoli and his professionals”.


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