Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute - Codivilla - Putti Research Center
di Barbiano street 1/10
40136 Bologna (Italy)
Bionic limb reconstruction has grown tremendously in the last decade and faces the
challenges of restoring motor and sensory function in patients who have lost their limb.
A world class faculty members will provide personal instruction with lectures, panel
discussions, video dissections, and case presentations.
To further informations, read the workshop final program.
Scientific Committee

CME credits
13,9 CME credits
The Congress will be accredited for the following professionals: Physicians, Physioterapists, Biomedical Laboratory Technician, Orthopedic Technician.
Online registration on:
I&C s.r.l.
Phone:+39 051 614.4004
e-mail: chiara.cilione@iec-srl.it