Phone: +39-051-6366791
E-mail address: gloria.bua@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366791
E-mail address: gloria.bua@ior.it
2011: Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at University of Bologna with a final grade of 110/110 cum laude
2016: Doctoral degree in Biochemical and Biotechnological Sciences, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology - University of Bologna, at the Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Unit
2016-2023: Post-Doc Fellowship at Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Unit of Pharmacy and Biotechnology Department – University of Bologna
2015: visiting PhD student (6 months) at the Unit of Antiviral Strategies of Dr. Noel Tordo - Institute Pasteur, Paris
English: fluent
French: basic
Molecular biology: extraction and purification of nucleic acids, polymerase chain reaction, cloning and recombinant baculovirus system for protein expression, dot-blot and in situ hybridization.
Immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence, Western blot, flow-cytometry.
Experience in the maintenance of cell lines and primary cultures, in vitro differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells from PBMC.
Microbiology. Preparation of solid and liquid media for the selective and not selective growth of Gram +/-. Bacteria seeding and identification. Testing the sensitivity and bacterial resistance to drugs, antimicrobial assays. Isolation of viruses and titration of viral stock.
Excellent knowledge of Windows and Macintosh operating system, Office Application Package; GraphPad Software, CloneManager
From 2022: Adjunct professor of Microbiology (Modulo 2) for the degree programme in Advanced Cosmetic Sciences, University of Bologna – Rimini Campus.
From 2013 to 2024: teaching tutor at University of Bologna of Microbiologia medica, Antiviral and Antimicrobial strategies, Diagnosi ed analisi microbiologica for the degree programme Biotecnologie, Biotecnologie Farmaceutiche, Biologia della Salute, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology , Controllo di Qualità dei Prodotti della Salute.
Academic co-tutor of 6 students internship for preparing final dissertation
Publications: 22. H index: 12. (from Scopus, September 2024)
The main area of research interest are medical microbiology, pathogenetic mechanisms of infection, interactions of pathogens with the human host, antimicrobial drug discovery