Phone: +39-051-6366803
E-mail address: carola.cavallo@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366803
E-mail address: carola.cavallo@ior.it
Health Researcher
2002: Degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy.
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Graph Pad and the Internet.
2019: Tutor at the training course "Scuola di Microscopia (School of Microscopy) - Deep Imaging" (May 14th-17th), Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la cura dei Tumori, Meldola (FC-Italy).
Participation to research projects:
Grants won as Co-PI: Finalized Research Grant 2016 GR-2016-02361990 "Treatment of osteoarthritis: a new strategy for a new etiopathology target from clinical application to research and back"
Pubblications: 40 publications in journals with IF.
H Index: Scopus 18
Reviewer of scientific journal: Tissue Engineering, eCM Journal, Aging Clin Exp Res, J. R. Soc. Interface, Mediators of Inflammation, BioMed Research International, ACTA Biomaterialia, Stem Cell International, Molecular Biology Reports, PeerJ, Cartilage.
Cartilage and bone biology: basic and clinic researches. Ostearthrosis and cartilage pathologies. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine for the treatment of musculoskeletal tissues. In particular for the treatment of cartilage, meniscus, and tendon lesions. Studies on platelet growth factors for the treatment of cartilage and tendon lesions.