Phone: +39-051-6366762
E-mail address: claudia.hattinger@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366762
E-mail address: claudia.hattinger@ior.it
Staff researcher at the “Pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics” Research Unit of the Osteoncology, Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Innovative Therapies (OSOTT).
1997: Doctor of Science in Human Biology at the University of Vienna (Austria).
1990-94: at the Institute of Human Biology, University of Vienna (Austria):
5-7 april and 8-10 november 2004: Teaching within the Course for Technicians of the Laboratories of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.
Research Projects:
Member of the Research Unit of the following projects:
Editorial Boards:
since 2019: member of the Editorial Board as Associate Editor of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics, a speciality section within Frontiers in Genetics and Frontiers in Pharmacology
Memberships of Scientific Associations:
Scientific Database Codes
ORCID: 0000-0002-9316-5095
Researcher ID : Q-1212-2016
Scopus AU-ID: 6602143906 H-I 24
Pubblications (up to August 2022)
Author or Co-Author of:
- 72 publications in international journals with impact factor (H index SCOPUS = 30)
- 3 book chapters
The main scientific interests are focused on osteosarcoma and the most common bone and soft-tissue sarcomas, in particular on: