Phone: +39-051-6366570
E-mail address: belvedere@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366570
E-mail address: belvedere@ior.it
Biomedical Engineer
Researcher at the Movement Analysis Laboratory and Functional-Clinical Evaluation of Prostheses (researches activities aimed at the evaluation of several implantable prosthetic devices in the human lower limb by means of current and novel tools for the pre-, intra- and post- operative acquisition of anthropometric and kinematic/dinamic data).
Master Degree in Electronic Engineering - specialty in Biomedical Engineering, achieved in the academic year 2002/2003 at the University of Bologna.
European Postgraduate Course in Biomedical Engineering, attended at the Panepistimio Patron, Ellada (University of Patra, Greece). 1999/2000.
Qualification as professional engineer achieved on 28/06/2004 at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna.
PhD on Bioengineering, achieved in 2009 at the University of Bologna, Italy.
Research fellowship as visiting associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA-USA. February-March, 2016.
Award for the Best technical podium presentation at the 16th International Annual Meeting of the Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS International), June 8-11, 2016. Osaka, Japan.
Supervisor for in-vitro and in-vivo research projects in the following areas: multi-instrumental analysis of the functional behaviour of the tibio-femoral and patello-femoral joints, both intact and after prosthesis implantation, and of related soft tissues; analysis of the functional behaviour of the hip joint, both intact and after prosthesis implantation; development of new prosthetic devices for total knee and total ankle replacement; development of new computer-assisted procedures for total knee and total ankle replacement with surgical navigation techniques; assessments of lower limb joint function using gait analysis, video-fluoroscopy and surgical navigation; use of three-dimensional printing (3D-Printing) in the manufacturing of prosthetic prototypes of new conception.
Italian: native.
English: excellent.
Modern Greek: good.
Motion analysis systems, both stereo-photogrammetric (gait analysis) and inertial. Surgical navigation systems. Motion capture systems using video-fluoroscopy. Systems for micromotion assessment through Roetgen-stereophotogrammetry. DICOM segmentation and CAD modelling. Software packages for data processing and statistical analysis.
University contract professor for the course on “Biomechanics of motor function”, at the Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, and at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy.
Evaluation board member in several editions for the professional qualification as engineer. Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy.
Lecturing activities for courses on Continuing Medical Education (CME) in Italy.
Lecturing activities in 2007 at the SIMULEARN Ltd. (CME providers), Bologna, as part of the course on "Micro and Macro simulation in orthopaedic surgery: from surgical techniques to post-operative prophylaxis.
Author of about a hundred of research contributions presented at national and international conferences, and of tens of publications, including book chapters and scientific articles published on international journals.
Journal's reviewer board member (Journal of Biomechanics; Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology; Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research; Journal of Surgery; Computer Methods and Program in Biomedicines; Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research; Journal of Orthopaedics Research; Journal of Biomechanical Engineering - ASME; Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering; Advances in Physiotherapy (European Journal of Physiotherapy); Journal of Arthritis; Surgery: Current Research; Trauma & Treatment).
Evaluation board member for Le système des Bourses AFR (Aides à la Formation-Recherche) du Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) de Luxembourg.
Master's Thesis Supervisor.
Multi-instrumental Motion Analysis in clinics. Physiological, pathological and post-surgery joint biomechanics. Joint modelling. Prosthetic design. Computer aided surgery. Video-fluoroscopy. Roetgen-stereophotogrammetry. Robotics. Three-dimensional printing (3D Printing).
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