Phone: 051-6368513
E-mail address: alessandro.gambardella@ior.it
Phone: 051-6368513
E-mail address: alessandro.gambardella@ior.it
Health Researcher
2003: Master Degree in Physics (Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II").
a.y. 2003-04: Ph.D. in Physics (Title of the dissertation: "A Microscopic and Spectroscopic Study of Innovative Molecular Materials", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Participation to Research Projects:
Biomaterials for innovative applications in biomedicine and orthopedy, especially concerning their micro and nanostructure.
Metals, ceramics, polymers and their modelling during additive and erosive processes.
Nanobiomechanics of tissues, development and implementation of multi scale models to study the correlation between surface morphology and functional properties by means of approximated and low-cost methods.