Phone: +39-051-6366965
E-mail address: enrico.schileo@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366965
E-mail address: enrico.schileo@ior.it
Professional entry assignment: "Numerical methods for the study of bone" (resolution no. 371 of 25/11/2021)
PhD in Bioengineering, University of Padua, 2006
MSc in Materials Engineering, University of Padua, 2002
2005 – 2010: Research fellow at Laboratorio di Tecnologia Medica, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
2010 – present: Researcher at Laboratorio di Bioingegneria Computazionale, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
Finite Element Analysis, with a focus on bone biomechanics. Software development for pre- and post-processing of biomechanical models. Quantitative Muscoloskeletal Imaging
Publications (metric source: Scopus, 01/07/2021))
• 36 publications in Impacted Journals.
• H-index = 16; Citations: 1969
• Five publications with over 199 citations.
A full list of publications and citation indices can be found at:
• ESB SM Perren Award, 2014;
• ESB Clinical Biomechanics Award Finalist, 2014;
• CORS Best Poster Young Investigator, 2013
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, Bone, J Biomech, J Orthop Res, Clin Biomech, Calcif Tissue Int, Med Image Anal, Med Eng Phys, Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, Ann Biomed Eng, Biomech Model Mechanobiol, J Vis Exp, Proc Inst Mech Eng Part H, J Biomech Eng
PhD Thesis Reviewer
• University of Bern, CH (two theses)
• University of Madrid
Position/Grant reviewer
• Marie Curie Application (Technical University of Berlin)
• Austrian Science Foundation
• Icelandic Research Fund
• University of Bern
Activities as Principal Investigator
• Co-PI of the qSINS (Quantitative Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score) project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, (Project code: RF-2016-02364359, 2018-2021)
• PI of one research project on the preclinical analysis of a new implantable device and the development of computer-assisted surgical planning procedures for that implant (2021-2022).
• PI of two research projects on the development of computer-assisted surgical planning procedures (2017-2019).
• Workflow responsible and IOR activities responsible in VPH-Share (FP7, #269978, 2011-2015);
• Work-package responsible for two years during VPHOP (FP7, #223865, 2008-2013);
• Responsible and delegate to the EU Commission for IOR activities in MXL (FP7, #248693, 2010-2013);
Bone Mechanics, Finite Element Modelling, Quantitative Muscoloskeletal Imaging.