Phone: +39-051-6366802-805
E-mail address: Susanna.naldi@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366802-805
E-mail address: Susanna.naldi@ior.it
Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
Permanent assignment
9 JULY 2018
Degree in Health Biology at the School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology e Motor Sciences of the University of Bologna.
Thesis entitled: "Development of a protocol for sowing a product for advanced therapy with mesenchymal stem cells as a therapy for the treatment of delayed bone consolidation" Supervisor Dr. D.M. Donati; Co-tutor Dr. Enrico Lucarelli.
Final grade: 108/110
OCTOBER 25, 2005
Degree in biomedical laboratory techniques (qualifying for the profession)
At the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Bologna.
Thesis entitled "Development of genetic tests for the genes responsible for Retinitis Pigmentosa, RHO, RDS, and RPGR". Speaker Dr. Cesare Rossi.
Final grade: 110/110 cum laude
From 1 NOVEMBER 2021
Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR)
SD Medicine and Rheumatology
"Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care" (IRCCS)
Permanent assignment
Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
From 2 NOVEMBER 2020
Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR)
Immunoreumatology and tissue regeneration
"Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care" (IRCCS)
Permanent assignment
Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
09 FEBRUARY 2009 - 31 OCTOBER 2020
Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR)
Quality control according to GMP
"Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care" (IRCCS)
Permanent assignment
Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
31 JANUARY 2008 - 31 DECEMBER 2008
Cell and Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank (BCTM)
Microbiology and Quality Control Area
Via di Barbiano 1/10 40136 Bologna
Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR)
"Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care" (IRCCS)
Extension of the Continuous Coordinated Collaboration assignment
Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
Carrying out of activities related to flow cytometry and cellular production of the clean room.
During this period I participated in the Quality Control project at the Microbiology laboratory (adaptation to GMP standards for cellular products).
I performed training for the training of the activity inherent in the removal of skeletal muscle tissue from cadaveric donors, with particular reference to the microbiological control of the tissues.
31 JANUARY 2007 - 30 DECEMBER 2007
Cell and Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank (BTM)
Microbiology and Quality Control Area
Via di Barbiano 1/10 40136 Bologna
Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR)
"Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care" (IRCCS)
Full-time Coordinated and Continuous Collaboration Contracts
Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
Continuous Coordinated Collaboration Assignment at Orthopedic Institutes Rizzoli di Bologna, aimed at ensuring the increase in related activities flow cytometry and clean room cell production.
In this period I have carried out the following activities related to cell production clean room, flow cytometry, molecular biology and microbiology at the Skeletal Muscle Tissue bank.
1 JANUARY 2006 - 17 FEBRUARY 2007
Full-time Coordinated and Continuous Collaboration Agreement
Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician at the complex unit of
Cardiology and Hematology of the University of Bologna, aimed at the application of histological diagnostic methods in diseases
oncohematological, as a Biomedical Laboratory Technician.
English: good
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, Adobe, Internet.
I also participated in inspections by the Italian Medicines Agency (A.I.F.A) and the Higher Institute of Health, to obtain authorization for production and Quality Control for the release of products for cell therapy:
- 29 NOVEMBER 2010: Authorization n. to M-180/2010
- 5 NOVEMBER 2012: Authorization n. to M-146/2012
Biology of bone and cartilage tissue, microbiology, histology, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology.