The complex unit Nursing, Technical and Rehabilitation Service (SAITER) contributes to the pursuit of the organisation mission by guaranteeing the overall governance of the areas it refers to. It ensures the appropriateness, quality, effectiveness and professional-operational efficiency of the care activities offered as part of the diagnosis, treatment, care and rehabilitation process.
The Director of the Nursing, Technical and Rehabilitation Service is directly responsible for managing the nursing, technical and rehabilitation care process, with a high margin of discretional power in terms of control, direction and verification of management activities in relation to the resources allocated.
The Director of Complex Structure Nursing, Technical and Rehabilitation Service (SAITER), has the following responsibilities:
- management of the processes of assistance and support in an integrated system of care, through the coordination of the health professions belonging to it;
- planning, implementation and development of innovative care organisation models in line with the organisation of the Institute, by promoting the processes of research, improvement of human resources and formation;
- definition of the overall requirements of the staff resources in the areas of development and optimisation of the health professions;
- Coordination of internships for students on Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees and Postgraduate programmes in the Health Professions, carried out by the universities that have an agreement with the IOR.
Health professions areas
- Nursing Care Area
- Surgical Platform
- Technical Health Area
- Biomedical Laboratory
- Medical Radiology
- Neurophysiopathology
- Rehabilitation AreaArea of the Assistance Support staff
- Health Professions Research
- Training and Professional Development
- Bed Management
- Hospital Infection Control and Hygiene
- Contract Management
- Rizzoli-Sicilia Department

Contacts and Locations
Anna Maria Concetta Conte
tel. 051-6366471
Front Office
Apollonia Santi Broccoli
tel. 051-6366888
Ala monumentale (primo piano)
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
via G.C.Pupilli 1
40136 Bologna