Phone: 051-6366802
E-mail address: giovanni.datri@ior.it
Phone: 051-6366802
E-mail address: giovanni.datri@ior.it
Biomedical Engineer
Research Scholar
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering Industrial Curriculum [2020, University of Pisa, 94/110]
Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering Industrial Curriculum at the University of Pisa [in progress]
I currently hold the position of fellow at the Laboratory of Immunoreumatology and Tissue Regeneration in the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute
Italian: native
English: scholastic
Research in the biomedical field and use of 3D printers in the field of Replacement, starting from isolated stem cells to obtain an in vitro model. Study of new bioinks and biomaterials.