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Hospitalized at Rizzoli the 20-year-old boy attacked by a shark in Australia

Matteo Mariotti at Rizzoli for a prosthetic replacement leg amputated by the shark

January 5th, 2024

Matteo Mariotti, a 20-year-old native of Parma, was admitted to Rizzoli. Last December 9th, in Australia he was attacked by a shark that amputated his leg. Entrusted to prof. Cesare Faldini, director of the 1st Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Clinic, who today presented the program to be implemented in the coming days: "We are studying a first modelling intervention of the remaining part and then we will start with the prosthesis so we could start with rehabilitation as soon as possible".

"I’m good, I was very well received at the hospital. They are already treating me in the best way, I feel much better" - these are the words of Matteo, at Rizzoli for some days, in today’s meeting with the press.

Present at the meeting, the Director General of Rizzoli Anselmo Campagna, regional councillors Raffaele Donini (health policies) and Barbara Lori (territorial planning, international development cooperation and humanitarian aid). The Region and the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute together to enable the hospitalization of Matteo, arrived from the Australian hospital in Brisbane.

In ordine da sinistra: Anselmo Campagna, direttore generale del Rizzoli, Raffaele Donini, assessore regionale alle politiche per la salute, Matteo Mariotti, Cesare Faldini, direttore della Clinica Ortopedica e Traumatologica I, Barbara Lori, assessora regionale alla pianificazione territoriale e altro.
From left: General Director of Rizzoli Anselmo Campagna, Health Policies Regional Councillor Raffaele Donini, Matteo Mariotti, Director of 1st Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Clinic Cesare Faldini, Regional Councillor Barbara Lori.


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