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Attività di ricerca oncologica
A research about new immunotherapy against bone sarcomas
This is the result of the collaboration between University College of London and Rizzoli of Bologna
Strumentazione del 3DLAB
Rizzoli Custom Made 3DLAB is inaugurated
Thanks to the Rizzoli Foundation is now available a super technological laboratory for the design and 3D printing of customized prostheses
Immagine ricerca al Rizzoli
PNRR: seven biomedical research projects funded for Rizzoli
Over 6 and a half million euros PNRR funding allocated by the Ministry of Health to the research of Rizzoli
Foto durante attività PaS
“PaS - Pronti a salpare”: the patient involvement
Studio of Rizzoli in collaboration with Marinando ODV and with the support of UNIAMO-FIMR
Loggetta dell'ingresso monumentale dell'Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
Rizzoli awarded at the Academy of Orthopaedics
It ranks first as Italian hospital in the Specialist Newsweek ranking
Foto con paziente intervento tumore primitivo Bagheria
Thirteen year old girl from Palermo operated on her back at Rizzoli in Bagheria
Primary bone cancer removed. The surgery was performed in collaboration with the Palermo Civic Hospital
Immagine Fluobeam Linfedema
Thanks to Foundation, new technologies equipment at Rizzoli
Intraoperative Tac (1 mln of euro) and instrument for diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema
Sottoscrizione protocollo d'intesa
Signed the PNRR Protocol between Guardia di Finanza and Rizzoli
To strengthen monitoring of the execution of public works and services in order to prevent illegal conduct
Dr.ssa Gina Lisignoli e Dr.ssa Brunella Grigolo del Rizzoli
Women in research: two Rizzoli researchers contribute to an Opinion Paper on Frontiers
February 11th International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Pronto Soccorso del Rizzoli
Four children from Gaza to Rizzoli in Bologna
Eleven people, children injured and companions welcomed in Paediatric Orthopaedics and Emergency room
Immagine di repertorio di radiologia interventistica
A Course to delve into the best techniques of interventional radiology
The main topics: bone tumors, metastases, malformations, inflammatory and degenerative pathologies and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Immagine ricerca biologica
New function of CD99 antigen identified
Rizzoli’s research into new therapeutic potential against Ewing’s Sarcoma
Il Dr. Giancarlo Facchini con Giulio
After years of pain operated at Rizzoli thanks to the angio-suite
Combined treatment of embolization and electrosclerotherapy for a 17-year-old boy
Matteo Mariotti e il prof. Cesare Faldini
Hospitalized at Rizzoli the 20-year-old boy attacked by a shark in Australia
Matteo Mariotti at Rizzoli for a prosthetic replacement leg amputated by the shark
Ospedale di Val Tidone
Rizzoli Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Centre at Castel San Giovanni Hospital
The result of an agreement between Azienda USL of Piacenza and IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute