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Biomedical Science and Technologies and Nanobiotechnology Lab


The Laboratory of Biomedical Science and Technologies has a research programme centered on preclinical and clinical studies in orthopaedic pathology, biocompatibility, and regenerative medicine, thanks to several collaborations with other IOR Units as well as Research and University centres in Italy and abroad.
Education and training in Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, too, is carried out in the Lab.


Contacts and Locations


Laboratory Secretariat

phone +39-051-6366549

Where are our locations?

Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute
Codivilla-Putti Research Centre
via di Barbiano, 1/10
40136 Bologna (ITALY)

Research Projects

Some of the laboratory's research projects.

Research Project
ACIDinCIBP - Acidic microenvironment as a target for cancer-associated bone pain

Acidic microenvironment as a target for cancer-associated bone pain

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Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione.