Phone: +39-051-6366187
E-mail address: marika.sciandra@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366187
E-mail address: marika.sciandra@ior.it
Biotechnologist, Biologist, PhD
PhD in Cellular, Molecular and Industrial Biology, Researcher
Excellent computer skills, including the use of standard Office softwares, digital imaging software (Adobe Photoshop), Internet, on-line bioinformatic tools (GeneGo, Ingenuity), and on-line biology-related software (PubMed, GeneBank, Blast).
Research projects:
Study of molecular mechanisms in bone tumors. To clarify the role of the CD99 molecule in promoting osteoblastic differentiation of osteosarcoma cells. To identify and evaluate microRNAs in Ewing sarcoma involved in tumor progression and survival. Analysis of exosome function in sarcoma malignancy in vitro and in vivo.