Phone: +39-051-6366836
E-mail address: alberto.bazzocchi@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366836
E-mail address: alberto.bazzocchi@ior.it
Consultant, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology – clinical and research activity
MD, PhD, Master (II level)
Alberto Bazzocchi concluded the scientific high school in the year 1999, with the maximum score for curriculum (“Liceo Scientifico”, Forlì – traditional course with experimental biennium in computer science). He took the degree in “Medicine and Surgery” in the earliest session of his course, on 14th July 2005, closing with a far higher number of university credits than that required and conventionally acquired (European Specialized Magisterial Degree, University of Bologna). He specialized in “Radiology”, after completing the residency program at the University of Bologna, on 1st August 2011, with maxima cum laude. Dr Bazzocchi concluded the PhD in “Ultrasonology in Medicine” (3 years) − Internal Medicine and Ultrasound, with specific extension to Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging (University of Bologna), at the end of 2012 – he won the position and was invited to attend the PhD program immediately after he graduated, in 2005. However, the PhD was formally suspended during the residency program in Radiology, as set by university rules. This was subsequently reactivated, and the final project thesis based on “Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery: study of potential applications in skeletal diseases” was discussed on 15th April 2013. On 18th December 2015 he earned the Master in Healthcare Management and Coordination (University Master, II level, 1 year course).
Dr Bazzocchi achieved the MD practising licence (board certification) in the first available session after degree (II session 2005, University of Bologna). He is currently affiliated to the Bologna Medical Association.
2011-2013, Dr Bazzocchi was employed as Research Associate (“Advanced Skeletal Imaging”, diagnostic and interventional) in the Department of Specialized, Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine at the University of Bologna, working at the Sant'Orsola - Malpighi University Hospital and the “Rizzoli” Orthopaedic Institute (IOR) in Bologna, and cooperating with the University of Rome “Sapienza”.
Since November 2013, Dr Bazzocchi serves as Consultant Radiologist for clinical and research activity at the “Rizzoli” Orthopaedic Institute (IRCCS, Scientific Research Hospital).
2014-2016, Point of Reference for Training and Education in Radiology (“Rizzoli” Orthopaedic Institute).
Since 2015, Supervisor of safety in high-field (3T) MRI Unit (“Rizzoli” Orthopaedic Institute).
Since 2015, External Specialist-Consultant in charge at the Romagna Scientific Institute for the Study and Treatment of Tumors (IRST – IRCCS, IRCCS, Scientific Research Hospital), in the IOR-IRST agreement for consulting – High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and interventional radiology procedures.
Italian (mother tongue), English (proficient).
Active in the field of medicine and clinical practice since the first year of attendance in the degree course, he has been “plunged” into the diagnostic and interventional imaging science and practice since 14th July 2003.
In the scientific field, and particularly in medical field, Dr Bazzocchi was invited to give lectures in more than 45 medical events among national and international conferences, courses and seminars (including the most relevant in the proper scientific-professional circle – e.g. ECR, ESSR, EUFUS, MSK pathology course, etc.).
He is author of over 195 works (abstracts) presented by him or by fellows of his team in a continuative way at the most important congresses worldwide, and published in journals with impact factor up to that of Journal of Clinical Oncology. He wrote over 50 full papers for original researches and reviews (and case reports): among journals publishing his works it is possible to count some of the top references in medicine (e.g. The Lancet, Bone, and RadioGraphics, for general medicine, skeletal diseases, and radiology respectively, but also journals corresponding to many other specialities – CMAJ, Arthritis & Rheumatism, The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Am), Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Journal of Pediatrics, European Radiology, Skeletal Radiology, etc.).
He is also author of 5 book chapters.
On the whole, he published in more than 60 different journals.
He accepted to work as peer reviewer and referee for numerous and prestigious scientific journals (e.g European Radiology, British Journal of Radiology, Cancer Imaging, Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, Kidney International, Journal of Clinical Densitometry, Clinical Nutrition, British Journal of Nutrition, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Endocrine, Age and Ageing, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, PLOS one, Annals of Medicine, CMAJ, EURORAD, etc.).
Dr Bazzocchi is principal investigator and main author (first/last author) in the vast majority of publications in curriculum. The first abstract was published in May 2004. The first paper in extenso was in 2006.
Fund raising, competitive research, calls & grants
Dr Bazzocchi designed and coordinated research projects winning in different national and international calls, on both public and private settings (projects for over 1 million US dollars).
Principal Investigator and coordinator of the project “Magnetic Resonance guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment of bone metastases: pain palliation, and local tumor control? (thematic area: Oncology)”, winner in the Call for Young Investigator (“Alessandro Liberati”) 2013, Area 1 “Innovative Research”, of the Research Program Regione-Università.
Principal Investigator of the project “Pain in knee osteoarthritis, a placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial for a new potential therapeutic approach: magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS)”, winner in the 2013 Finalized Research Call of the Italian Ministry of Health – YI/Clinical health care research
Principal Investigator of the project “Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery: a pilot study in the treatment of pain caused by osteoarthritis - hand and hip, challenging joints”, winner in the Focused Ultrasound Surgey Foundation (FUSF) Research Award Program – 2014
He also attracted investments an funds from Industry with the sponsorization of projects as well as he conducted a number of non-sponsored studies.
He actively participated and participates in numerous research programs, on a regional, national and international basis. Among these, here is also mentioned (A) Nu-Age project (“New dietary strategies addressing the specific needs of the elderly population for the healthy ageing in Europe”), funded by the European Commission under FP7-KBBE - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology., (B) ADIPOA-2 project (“Clinical trial of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells [ASC] in the treatment of mild to moderate osteoarthritis”), funded by the European Commission under H2020-EU.3.1. – Societal Challenges – Health, demographic change and well-being), and (C) the project “Development of a novel technological platform for the treatment of neoplastic and infectious diseases based on focus ultrasounds” NOP-R&C 2007-2013 (National Operational Programme for Research and Competitiveness), funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund), the The Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Ministry of Economic Development.
Member of the following scientific societies: Medical and Surgical Society of Bologna (2006), Italian Medical Radiological Society – SIRM (2007, subsequently Sections of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound), European Society of Radiology – ESR (2007), European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology – ESSR (2012, also member of Osteoporosis subcommittee and of the Image-guided Intervention subcommettee), and Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe – CIRSE (2014). Corresponding member of the Radiological Society of North America – RSNA (2014). Finally, Dr Bazzocchi is among the founding members of the European Working Group on Focused Ultrasound (2011/2012), and member of the European Focused Ultrasound Society (EUFUS) since its establishment (2013).
In this “essentials” there is no mention to organization, participation, and activity for CME events, production of didactic and multimedia material, other scientific awards and acknowledgments, as well as to other specific and fundamental experiences characterizing the study and scientific career of Dr Bazzocchi. Numerous medical and teaching work experiences could be cited. However, medical and non-medical work experiences, skills and interests are out of the aim of this short curriculum and they have not been reported.
Researches carried out by him included the whole wide spectrum of diagnostic and interventional imaging, and associated clinics, and these have been oriented to skeletal radiology since 2008.
Promotore/organizzatore dei seguenti eventi formativi.