The administrative services of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute are composed of unified services (set up together with the Azienda USL di Bologna and the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna) and administrative services of the Institute.
The Rizzoli administrative services are located in via di Barbiano 1/10, 40136 Bologna, in the Codivilla-Putti Research Centre building, with the exception of the ICT Complex Structure located at the Rizzoli Hospital (via G.C.Pupilli 1).
The inter-company administrative services are instead located at the premises of the Azienda USL of Bologna in via A.Gramsci 12.
The units of the administrative area are listed below (without distinction between "staff" and "line") in order to make it easier to find them.
Joint Citywide Services
- Joint Citywide Service for Staff Administration - legal area (SUMAGP) (Riccardo Solmi, LL.M.)
- Joint Citywide Service for Staff Administration - economic area (SUMAEP) (Luca Dalfiume, LL.M.)
- Joint Citywide Service for Accounting and Finance (SUMCF) (Stefano Masini, LL.M.)
- Purchasing Service of Wide Area - (SAAV) (Antonia Crugliano, LL.M.)
- Joint Citywide Supply Service 2 (SUME) (Luca Lelli, LL.M.)
IOR Administrative Area - Complex Units
- Legal and general affairs (Laura Mandrioli, LL.M.)
- ICT (Beatrice Cavallucci, MSc)
- Patrimony and Technical Activities (Gerardo Bellettato, MSc)
- Planning, programming and control (Annamaria Gentili, Msc)
IOR Administrative Area - Simple Departmental Units
IOR Administrative Area - Simple Units
- Administration for Research (Cristina Gironimi, MSc)
- Communication and Media Relations Office (Sara Nanni, MA)
- Contract awarding procedures (Francesca Comellini, LL.M.)
Other Units
- Administrative coordination of freelance activities (Mara Moretti, MSc)
- Clinical Engineering (Elisabetta Sanvito, Eng.)
- Social Marketing (Andrea Paltrinieri, PhD)
- Occupational Medicine (Marta Bomparola, MD)
- Prevention of corruption (Sveva Borin, MD)
- Relations with Trade Unions (Nadia Chiarini, MSc)
- Prevention and Protection Service (Donatella Orsi, MSc)