Children and young people admitted to the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute can take advantage of school teaching carried out by teaching staff belonging to several schools in Bologna.
The "school in hospital" takes place in the wards where children and young people are admitted, including:
Pediatric Orthopedics and Traumatology;
Osteoncology, bone and soft tissues sarcomas, and Innovative Therapies;
3rd Orthopedic and Traumatological Clinic at prevalently oncologic.
School in hospital allows - especially for long-term patients - to maintain continuity with studies. They can therefore continue teaching activities also in the hospital context following the normal ministerial programs, in conjunction with the schools of origin.
Every year the Kindergarten and Primary School carries out the daily with some of the works carried out by the students in the field of teaching (see in the section "documents", in italian language)