Phone: +39-051-6366852
E-mail address: marco.bontempi@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366852
E-mail address: marco.bontempi@ior.it
2000: Degree in Physics.
Italian: mother tongue
English: good (B2).
MacOS, Linux, Windows.
Programming languages: C++, MATLAB, Python, ObjectiveC, C, Pascal, Basic.
Image analysis: ImageJ, Osirix, Horos.
Productivity packages: LaTeX, iWork, MS Office, LibreOffice, WPS. Graphic Programs: Illustrator, Photoshop.
Joint biomechanics analysis; X-ray simulations; biomechanical and physiological mathematical models of the human body.
Biomechanics of the human body, with particular emphasis on the knee, by means of X-rays (Radio-Stereometric Analysis, or RSA); mathematical models of the physiology of the human body with emphasis on ligaments/tendons, hematology, epidemiology. Mathematical models of the physics of thin film deposition. Computer simulations of X-ray devices. Digital image analysis. Computed Tomography.