Phone: +39-051-6366086
E-mail address: simone.massimi@ior.it
Phone: +39-051-6366086
E-mail address: simone.massimi@ior.it
MD, specialized in Orthopaedics and Traumatology
2013: Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pescara (thesis title: "Use of mesenchymal stem cells taken from amniotic fluid for the treatment of bone defect in preclinical rat models").
2019: Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the University of Bologna (thesis title: “Corrective osteotomy of the first metatarsal with piezoelectric scalpel in hallux valgus: final evaluation at the end of follow-up”), with honors.
2013: National Italian license as Medical Doctor.